
The power of 'Wish Lists' in fundraising

8 April 2024

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Fundraising for a Cause

Putting it ‘out there’: the power of Wish Lists in fundraising.

There are plenty of things your school or community group will need at any given point in time.

There will obviously be the big things you are fundraising for, but there will also be a large list of ‘little things’ that you normally would just go out and buy without thinking about it much. Never forget that a penny saved is a penny earned. Your Wish List might include things like:

– a meeting table or other furniture that is needed (someone might have a second-hand one)

– office equipment – if you need something like a photocopier, many offices are now going paperless so may have one spare to donate.

– digital cameras (many people use their phones now so have them spare)

– everyday office supplies – make a list and see what people are happy to donate

– incentive prizes for upcoming fundraisers

– 60 pizzas for the upcoming disco night

– dollar amounts for specific investments, eg $3,000 for new year 2 readers, $600 for a sheltered bike rack, $400 for a bench seat (you never know who will think this is a fantastic way to spend their money)

– volunteer requirements – not everyone will have ‘stuff’ or money to donate, but might be able to say yes to a request to ‘donate 2 hours to to a stocktake in the uniform shop or 2 hours to help defrost the freezer in the canteen’

– sponsorship opportunities available (you never know who will see this list!)

Once you have a little list together (it doesn’t need to be huge but it is important to keep it current), you can get creative for how you spread the word. Initially, put it in your newsletter and post it on Facebook, but you can also keep it ‘out there’ in various ways.

Keep a current list on your website. If the list is short enough, you can add it as a footer to your emails. If you have a noticeboard area, you can post a fresh list every month. You can put a copy on the back of the toilet doors at your clubhouse If you have a good relationship with your local cafe, you can post a copy on their wall. Does your local real estate agent produce a list of weekly open-houses? If so, chances are they have a reverse side that is blank – ask them to produce your list on the back. There are all sorts of ways to get it ‘out there’ and you just never know where your support might come from.

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Signature Engraving

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Create Cookbooks

Super-easy to follow, create a customised fundraiser cookbook for your community where our team does most of the work. We offer the lowest prices and the highest quality full colour printed cookbooks available.


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