20 February 2024
With Mother’s Day coming up, we thought it would be a great time to share a reader’s tip on mothers day stall fundraising by using wrapping paper!
Naturally you are all organised with ordering stock for your stalls?? I’ll talk about this in a tip in the next couple of weeks, but for today I want to talk about running a wrapping booth in conjunction with your mothers day stall fundraising drive.
You can have your older students (or the Student Council) run the gift-wrapping stall at morning tea and lunch time and charge $1 to wrap presents. If you like, this component of your fundraising can be directed to a worthy charity.
The reader’s tip is to make your own wrapping paper by spreading butcher’s paper on the lawn, filling spray bottles with poster paint diluted with water, and letting the kids go crazy! You can create a lot of wrapping paper this way and each sheet is an original! It’s also a great holiday activity to keep the kids entertained.
Alternatively, get each student to decorate their own wrapping paper and card.
Check out our Top 10 tips for running a Mothers Day stall!
Written by Mandy Weidmann