Be part of the most fun, delicious, and profitable fundraising in Australia. Share 15 packs of happiness with family and friends to raise money for your school, sporting club or organisation. The ultimate cookie fundraiser!
For every box you raise over $28 profit.
Bite Size is even more than the ultimate cookie fundraiser. We have proven that small gestures can make a significant impact and we believe that it should not only be limited to businesses. After years of careful consideration and asking ourselves who, why, and how we would help - we established the Bite Size Kids Appeal.
The Bite Size Kids Appeal distribute a percentage of proceeds made from each ‘FUN’raising box to various charity organisations that help Australian children and families in small meaningful ways.
So not only are you raising funds for your chosen cause, but you are also contributing to the Bite Size Kids Appeal at no additional cost.
Let’s put the FUN back in Fundraising.
What an easy and profitable fundraiser! From the moment we started this journey, we were supported. The prize packs were a great incentive as well.
Ready to get started? Get in touch directly via the details below or submit a request for info.
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