Are you planning the next school fete and looking for EASY and inexpensive fundraising items that will deliver a great profit?
Mr Showbags has been delighting children throughout the country for more than 20 years with our Showbag Fundraiser. It is easy to see why our products are one of the nation's favourites.
We are a family owned and run Showbag business which began in 1999. The original “Showbags for school fundraising” idea originated from a need to raise funds to support the purchase of sports equipment for one individual primary school.
If you would like some samples of our showbags to showcase our Showbag Fundraiser at your next committee meeting, we offer 4 for $15 or 8 for $30. Give us a call to arrange on 1300 677 469.
Ready to get started? Get in touch directly via the details below or submit a request for info.
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