
Your Fete File - Keeping Organisers Organised

7 October 2024

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How many times have I heard a new fete committee convenor lament: “There’s nothing written about the last one. All the paperwork is missing!” It really is tragic to think of the time and effort spent by so many volunteers forced every year to reinvent the wheel.

That’s not happening on my watch and you should not let it happen on yours.

So before the coffee cups (or wine glasses) are cleared at your first meeting, resolve to create a Fete File. All the details of what’s needed in your handover and how to safely store this treasured material is in chapter 10 but for now, consider it anything and everything that’s relevant to the event, from start to finish. Next year’s convenor will be so impressed.

If you set the expectation from the outset that you expect every person to complete a handover report for their areas of responsibility, they can’t complain about having to do it at the end, when they may consider their job ‘done’ and simply want to put their feet up. Provide a template to each person at the first meeting so they know precisely the information they will need to collect and record as the year progresses.

While you can create a monster binder (we all love some tab action and pretty folders!!) it’s much better to use an online solution, such as Dropbox or Google Docs, to store and share all of your documents.

Ensure that it is part of your P&C handover for committee members that they know where to locate the Fete Files, even if your school isn’t planning a fete that year. It’s important that the information isn’t lost as Presidents and Secretaries come and go.

During the event

Allocate someone the task of taking photos during the event, not only promotional and social shots, but logistical images as well to add to the Fete File, such as photos of stall set-up and locations and signage.

If there is a problem during the event, such as a traffic jam, lines for the toilets, food stalls run out of food early, the sprinklers turn on or poor shading, it is easier to take a photo than pull out a notepad to take notes.

Post-event analysis

Immediately after your event, ask your stall holders to spend half an hour to consider the following questions, then compile the answers into a single document to add to the handover file.

  • What was their stall and what items did they sell?
  • When did they start planning? How many volunteers were required prior to the event/during the event. Approximate time commitment.
  • How much money was raised.
  • What sold well and what didn’t sell?
  • Were the prices suitable? Recommendations for next time.
  • Was there any aspect of the stall that did not perform to expectations?
  • Would they recommend the stall for the next fete? What would you do differently next time? 
  • Did you get any comments from visitors/families which might affect how the event should be run in future?

If there are leftover goods or supplies it is also important to ensure they are stored properly and that someone (else) knows where they are.

TIP: As part of your planning process, schedule a small market stall during school hours in the week following your fete, such as following assembly or immediately after school. Plan to sell any leftover stock at significantly marked-down prices. This works well for quality craft items, Christmas cakes, jams and relishes, pot plants and handmade jewellery.

Next Chapter >> Fete Location and Layout

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