17 June 2023
Our ‘Fete in a Box’ Countdown is the predecessor to our book: The Practical Fete Handbook for Fundraising Event Organisers! The book contains all of the information in this article and so much more – consolidated in an easy-to-read format, including the bonus: 99 Fete Stall Ideas! You can buy the book in printed form or as an eBook here.
To access all of the great stuff, make sure you're a member of the Fundraising Whisperer's Toolbox - it's free and has 100s of tools, tips and templates so you don't have to reinvent the wheel.
LaserWarriors is a laser tag company that comes to you! The discounted pricing on our Fete Packages is ideal for event organisers looking for a fun new activity attractive to all ages – from kindergarten upwards!
View profileColour Blast Australia is thrilled to offer schools and groups the opportunity to engage in a fun, exciting, memorable day, all while raising thousands of dollars for important fundraising initiatives.
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Are you looking for a fun, creative and easy fundraising idea for your school, club or childcare centre? Tea towel fundraising is an eco-friendly, healthy and fun way to raise funds.
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